The Child that just threw her Great Gift way has a very important decision to make. Does she continue to allow the N to damage her other Spectaular Gifts, or does she protect her other Gifts by keeping them safe and out of contact of the N? How many Unique Gifts will the N damage & destroy before the Child puts an end to it?
Now the N is happy that the Child no longer has what she once possessed because when she did posses that Amazing Gift, it was a constant reminder of what she had and he did not. The N sees the Child is lacking a Very Special Gift that he covets, so he leaves that Child to find another Child with the same Great Gift, and does what he did before, covets what he can not have and deceives the other Child to devalue what she has been given by her Loving Parent and to throw it away just like the previoius Child.
The previous Child is heartbroken & completely devastated that she no longer has her Unique Gifts, that her Loving Parent gave her. Some of her Unique Gifts are very damaged and some are destroyed. She is very ashamed to tell her Loving Parent what happened to her Wonderful Gifts that her Beloved, Kind and Thoughtful Parent gave her. She looks in different Places to find information on how to repair her Gifts, and the People she meets tell her how to fix her Gifts. She returns Home and tries her best to fix her Gifts and to restore them to how they use to be, but the Child remembers how her Gifts use to be when they were Bran New, before they were damaged and destroyed, and worst of all, how the N even deceived her into throwing away her very own Unique Gifts.
She is in so much Pain at the loss of her Unique Gifts. She cries out in despiration to her Parent and the Moment she turns around and looks for her Parent she notices that her Loving Parent is right by her side and her Loving Parent has replaced ALL her Precious Gifts that were once damaged, destroyed, and thrown away. And to her complete Astonishment and Amazement she notices New Gifts that she never had before. As soon as the Child Starts using her Replaced Gifts she realizes that something is Very different about her Gifts; they are even MOREExtraordinary than before.
She is very confused. This does not make any sense to her and she asks her Parent, Why have you given me even Greater Gifts than before? And why did you give me these Awesome NewGifts that I never had before? Why when I did not take care of my First Gifts, that you would give me Greater Gifts than before and even More New Additional Gifts?
And her Loving Parent replies, My Beautiful Child you now know just how valuable your Gifts are and now you are Stronger then before and now you know better how to Protect them, and never let anyone, devalue, damage, or destroy them or deceive you into throwing them away. As for those New Additional Gifts, they were always there, you always possessed them, but they were hidden in the Dark Shadows and I just brought them out into the Light, so that you can use them Now.
One of your Greater Gifts is Discernment and You know who you can share your other Unique Gifts with and who you can not. If someone comes along and damages your Gifts, you know you can walk away before s/he destroys your Gifts. And if your Gifts ever get damaged you know you can come to Me and I will restore them for you. I Love You and that is why I gave You these Precious Gifts. You are My Daughter, in whom I am well Pleased. I would do ANYTHING for you. I will Always Love You. There is Nothing you can or will ever do that can stop or prevent Me from Loving You.
I was this Child whose Unique Gifts were Damaged and Destroyed by various Ns, and the NFOO even deceived me into Discarding some of my own Awesome Gifts because they saw no Value in them. However, there is Hope, our Unique Gifts can be Restored and in the Process we will be Given Even Greater Gifts than Before, Amazing Gifts we never even knew we had before.
Here is another one of those Great Gifts, Click Here.