This Post is really not for the benefit of others (those whose Comments were not posted) as much as it is for myself in that I could use a little or after reading this Post a lot of venting. Venting in a healthy way is Good for the Soul. It helps me to reevaluate my Boundaries from time to time and give them an upgrade where needed in order to Strengthen them so that they can do a more effective job at Protecting Self. It is Self-Care Management and Maintenance.
I am aware that some things in life are more obvious to some People than to Others, so I will explain the various reasons why certain Comments are not posted on my Blog. I will only do this once. Therefore, if anyone happens to question why his/her certain Comment was not posted I can refer them to this post which lists all the reasons. If the person can not figure out why his/her Comment was not posted then s/he never will and I don't need to waste my time explaining the obvious to those who are just Trolling for NS.
What are their Credentials other than taking a EFT Weekend Course or watching a EFT YouTube video?
I wish it was only a matter of losing money when relying on these Charletans aka Modern Day Snake Oil Sales People, but it is not, people are losing their very lives when they trust a NVamp in Sheep's Clothing that views them as "*food*, to be trapped, hunted, or farmed" and devoured.
These Charletons don't have a Soul and they don't have the Heart of a Healer. They don't care about helping others, only helping themselves to others $Money$. Their Goal & Agenda is NOT what can I do for my clients, but what my clients can do for me which is provide me with Fame & Fortune. They don't have the heart of a Servant, they have the agenda of a Serpent.
When Danu was confronted about objectifying and dehumanizing her clients/members/customers by referring to them as "*food*, to be trapped, hunted, or farmed" she deflects responsiblity w/a very juvenile response, such as he said it first, blame him not me for this twisted perspective on clients as "food". Danu, like all Ns, never want to be accountable nor responsible for their hurtful behavior towards others. It is always someone else's fault, because Ns lack Empathy and Remorse.
Before you put your Healing in the Hands of others, do your research. Deep wounds caused by evil Ns and Ps can not just be tapped away. Sure the tapping can help to temporally reduce the obsessive thinking long enough to break the focus from the Toxic Person/Abuser and pick up the phone and find a great Therapist. There are no short cuts to healing, only cover-ups which prolong the Healing Process. Deep wounds require deep healing that only a trained & experienced Counselor or Therapist can provide.
Most Comments that have not been posted are in regards to the NVamp in Sheep's Clothing, and were from one of her Enabling Henchwomen, or Myrmidonian Minions, or N-chanted & Deceived Followers, so I will address this and then the other types of Comments that are not posted.
For those who say I am a N because I dare to expose a N and question my Mental Health, like all former Victims/Targets of Ns I did question whether or not I would become a N or P like the Momster and Demon Dad and other Ns & Ps I have N-countered in my Life. I could extend the paragraph with greater detail explaining how I am not a N, but I feel uncomfortable talking about myself so much. This paragraph already seems too long. I am not comfortable singing my own Praises, especially for an extended amount of time. I assure you no one has been worried about my Mental Health more than me. I was born and raised in the KoN, so I had both Nurture and Nature against me. I have two Nsibs and I know the Research on Inheriting Pathology. Given these various N conditions that I was born and raised in & exposed to numerous times it is Statistically Impossible for me not to be a N to some degree. Wait for it! Don't get scared off! Praise God for Specializing in the Impossible! I have Great News for those that worry about my Mental Health. I have taken numerous Psychological & Personality Tests and the results consistantly & constantly show over the past 20 years that I have Abnormally Very High Empathy & Sympathy Off the Charts, there are also many other Scientific Indicators that say that I am NOT a N and I am a Normal Imperfect Human Being. I also rate Very High on Introspection and being Self-Aware. I care or have cared for others at a detriment to Self as most Kids born and raised in the KoN. Definately a Giver to a fault. Very hard for me to say No -- much better at it now! When something went wrong in a Relationship, I automatically assumed it was my fault somehow. HUGE desire to Help others. Can't stand to see others suffer in any way, except for Ns and Ps -- they sow what they reap! Given my Childhood History of trying to protect my younger Sibs from harm by placing myself between them and the Momster's attacks and with the Off the Chart Empathy I spent my entire Life up till now trying to Rescue my Sibs from the KoN and the Momster who rules it. I also tried to Save them from their Self-Sabotoging Behavioral Patterns. Trying to Save others (not just my Nsibs) has cost me great emotional, psychological, and financial hardships. No Doubt I use to suffer from a Savior Complex, but I am over that now. Praise the Lord! I know it is not my job to be anyone's Personal Savior, that Job Description has already been filled by Jesus Christ. I have definitely learned to Let Go and Let God help those who do not want my help. I will no longer risk drowning trying to teach others how to Swim who have no desire to Learn.
For those who believe that this Blog was created solely to expose Danu, then you are greatly deceived. Do the math, the great majority of my posts or articles are not about her at all. I am guesstimating that these posts/articles discussing Danu's Dangerous Deception make up less than 10% of my Blog (I haven't done the math). Less than 10% is Statistically Non-Significant (not to be confussed with the Purpose of these few post/articles discussing a Clear & Present Danger being Very Significant & Essential to share w/others). It is a N's pathological perspective that this entire blog or even the majority of it, or goal for it is about this particular N. I know Ns think that they are the Center of Attention, the Center of the Universe, our World and our Life, but they are NOT. There is more than one post or article addressing Danu's Deception & Harmful Attacks because more and more and even more Evidence kept coming forward and that Evidence & Proof was Essential to share with others, so that People can be warned about the Clear & Present Danger Danu presents to others. Sure one person's opinion can be written off as a Personal Disagreement or a Difference of Perspectives, but consider the Totality of ALL the Verifiable and Undeniable Evidence and I am sure that there is much more out there, and only a Person in extreme Denial would ignore what the rest of the World clearly sees. As time goes by more and more People contact me how Danu has misused her power to hurt others. I don't plan on making any more post/articles about this particular N, and I will only update the other posts/articles as I become aware of more Evidence.
For those of you who think I am obsessing over Ns and Ps you are greatly mistaken. The title of this Blog in case you forgot is Freedom from Toxic People, so the majority of my posts/articles on this Blog are going to address this Topic. I assure you that I am involved w/different Projects in my Life that do not involve the discussion of Ns or Ps. During my Recovery from the KoN these past two years my focus has been on dealing w/the NFOO and deciding to go NC w/them, but I have healed from the Pain of the Past, I have accepted What Is, and I value mySelf so I don't waste my Love on those who can not recipocate it. My Family of Choice is growing. I have Spiritual Sisters & Brothers who are AMAZING and more than make up for the void of the Biological Ones. The void of the NFOO is being filled and I am excited and passionate about Life. I have Friends from various backgrounds that enrich my Life. Some share my Faith and some do not, but all have a place in my heart.
For those who have a problem with me writting more than a few paragraphs in one post/article -- well that's your problem. It is your limitation not mine. I know traditionally Blog posts contain a few paragraphs due to some people's limited attention span and/or time. I guess there is a correlation between the length of a Blogger's Post and the PPR (Potential Popularity Rating) -- thing is my priorities don't include being Popular. I am Unpopular and Proud of it! I don't go w/what is Popular, I go with what is Right. I do recognize the Practical reason for limiting the size of my Posts/Articles and I am working on Portion Control. Some Posts/Articles are longer than others and some are shorter. Friends of mine have encouraged me to write a book, so perhaps these longer posts/articles are good practice. I have never thought of being a professional writer, but I have a Passion for Writing that I never knew was in me. My writing does not have to be valuable to everyone, just someone is good enough for me.
For those who have a problem with me being a Christian & speaking in my own voice -- well that's your problem.
Last week my Friend CZ, who has an insightful & enjoyable blog, The Narcissistic Continuum, as well as one of the best Free On-Line Support Groups for those who have N-countered Toxic People, which is called Web of Narcissism or WoN, received a comment from a roving reader she refers to as a robot. I wonder if it was the same one who attacked me this week too? I know there are many of them out there Trolling around on the internet.
CZ shared with us that she is planning to write a very interesting article on the Evolution of the Modern Day Snake Oil Salesperson, to know more Click Here. The PersoN whose comments I will not post because they only offer darkness instead of light personally attacked me with name calling because I dare to hold one of these Charlatans and Snake Oil SalesPersoN accountable and responsible for her actions & lack there of by not refering her client to a trained Professional who is much more qualified to help a Suicidal Client opposed to a Tapping Technician. This persoN did not like my article, Clear & Present Danger, because I held Danu responsible for allowing her own pathology to keep her from recognizing that she was way out of her League when trying to tap away her client's Suicidal Ideations. For those that do not know, I am a Professional Counselor, who is trained, educated and experienced, so it deeply bothers me when I hear about a Toxic Guru, Charlatan, or Snake Oil Salesperson getting away with Murder, as the author of The Secret did in the Arizona Sweat Lodge Tragedy.
There are many problems w/the Snake Oil tech Deception, first and foremost they get away w/Murder. This is not an exaggeration (wish it was), desparate people put their very lives in the hands of these Charletans and it ends up costing them their lives. The Placebo Effect is an extremely dangerous thing, because it creates Co-Dep of the worst kind. It deters & distracts from true Theraputic Healing. We can not put a Band-Aid on a Stab Wound and save the patient. The Band-Aid only covers up the wound, it does not heal it. These Charletans are not qualified to help those who are deeply wounded. These Charletans are not qualifed because they lack the Skills, Knowledge, Experience, Ethics, Empathy, and Conscience that it takes to help those who are suffering. If you have not read my Blog Post on this topic please do so, because there are some HUGE Red Flags which are referred to as Smoking Guns.
The Narcissist in Sheep's Clothing Cover-UP
When a person refers to their clients/members/customers and potential clients/members/customers as "*food*, to be trapped, hunted, or farmed" -- that is an example of someone who clearly does not have the other person's best interest at heart. These Charletans lack both Empathy and Ethics to say the very least. They lack a conscience that tells them they are way out of their League when they try to tap away a Person's Suicidal Ideations. A former EFT Client took her own life, because she relied on the EFT tech and Danu to help her. Kate, the Former and I believe Original Moderator of Danu's DONM Formum talks about that in the Clear and Present Danger to Others article.
Now a Normal Person would shut down their Practice or Business and take some time off if a client took her own life while undergoing treatment, but not a NVamp in Sheep's Clothing, no for him/her it is business as usual, cover-up and keep on deceiving People and N-chanting them out of their money. True Healers, those in the Helping Profession lose sleep over trying to figure out a better way to help their client, but not NVamps, they stay awake trying to figure out how to get more money from their clients, a better way to "trap, hunt, and farm" them.
Have these Charletans even worked at a Suicide Hotline? Do they have a Psychology or Counseling Degree? Have they even taken an Ethics Class? Although you can't really teach Ethics as in something to acquire like Knowledge for a particular set of Skills, you either have Ethics or you don't, you either have Empathy or you don't. By the time a Person is an Adult they either have Empathy, Ethics, and Morals or they don't. Sure a deceptive N can fake these for a short time, but the Truth eventually comes out when the Mask slips.
When a person refers to their clients/members/customers and potential clients/members/customers as "*food*, to be trapped, hunted, or farmed" -- that is an example of someone who clearly does not have the other person's best interest at heart. These Charletans lack both Empathy and Ethics to say the very least. They lack a conscience that tells them they are way out of their League when they try to tap away a Person's Suicidal Ideations. A former EFT Client took her own life, because she relied on the EFT tech and Danu to help her. Kate, the Former and I believe Original Moderator of Danu's DONM Formum talks about that in the Clear and Present Danger to Others article.
Now a Normal Person would shut down their Practice or Business and take some time off if a client took her own life while undergoing treatment, but not a NVamp in Sheep's Clothing, no for him/her it is business as usual, cover-up and keep on deceiving People and N-chanting them out of their money. True Healers, those in the Helping Profession lose sleep over trying to figure out a better way to help their client, but not NVamps, they stay awake trying to figure out how to get more money from their clients, a better way to "trap, hunt, and farm" them.

Have these Charletans even worked at a Suicide Hotline? Do they have a Psychology or Counseling Degree? Have they even taken an Ethics Class? Although you can't really teach Ethics as in something to acquire like Knowledge for a particular set of Skills, you either have Ethics or you don't, you either have Empathy or you don't. By the time a Person is an Adult they either have Empathy, Ethics, and Morals or they don't. Sure a deceptive N can fake these for a short time, but the Truth eventually comes out when the Mask slips.
What are their Credentials other than taking a EFT Weekend Course or watching a EFT YouTube video?
I wish it was only a matter of losing money when relying on these Charletans aka Modern Day Snake Oil Sales People, but it is not, people are losing their very lives when they trust a NVamp in Sheep's Clothing that views them as "*food*, to be trapped, hunted, or farmed" and devoured.

These Charletons don't have a Soul and they don't have the Heart of a Healer. They don't care about helping others, only helping themselves to others $Money$. Their Goal & Agenda is NOT what can I do for my clients, but what my clients can do for me which is provide me with Fame & Fortune. They don't have the heart of a Servant, they have the agenda of a Serpent.
When Danu was confronted about objectifying and dehumanizing her clients/members/customers by referring to them as "*food*, to be trapped, hunted, or farmed" she deflects responsiblity w/a very juvenile response, such as he said it first, blame him not me for this twisted perspective on clients as "food". Danu, like all Ns, never want to be accountable nor responsible for their hurtful behavior towards others. It is always someone else's fault, because Ns lack Empathy and Remorse.
Before you put your Healing in the Hands of others, do your research. Deep wounds caused by evil Ns and Ps can not just be tapped away. Sure the tapping can help to temporally reduce the obsessive thinking long enough to break the focus from the Toxic Person/Abuser and pick up the phone and find a great Therapist. There are no short cuts to healing, only cover-ups which prolong the Healing Process. Deep wounds require deep healing that only a trained & experienced Counselor or Therapist can provide.

To those who are either Disordered or Damage and leave flamming comments this next part pertains to your statements, intention, and agenda.
As I said earlier my Friend CZ was attacked by what she refers to as a "robot" who IMO was Trolling to cause harm, much like those Disordered and Damage People whose comments will not be posted here because their agenda is very clear to me that their intention is to fight & cause harm and not RESPECTFULLY discuss topics. People are free to disagree w/me, but they must do it in a RESPECTFUL way. I will not post any hateful comments that over generalizes, instills anger, resentment, mistrust, kindles hatred, enmity, and incites prejudicial beliefs and actions against innocent People. I am not going to post Hate Speech. Hating innocent people who never hurt you is wrong. Personally attacking someone because they have a different perspective or viewpoint is wrong,
Verbal abuse in any form towards any person or group of people (this includes Christians, Different Believers & Non-Belivers) will not be allowed on my Blog. People can express that they are mad at God or Some Christians or Some Believers, or Some Non-Believers and explain how s/he was hurt by a Toxic Person who happened to fall in a certain group, but I will not let someone post their Hateful Message and Smear Campiagn on my Blog -- there are plenty of Hate Monger's Blogs & Websites that will be more than happy to post your wicked words that only want to hurt others. Don't waste your time or mine trying to post your hateful comments here. Your comments won't be read and they will be immediately deleted, I know that fact won't stop a Stupid N or P from trying, but at least I have shown you respect by giving you fair warning.
The Bible says we will be attacked for who we are and our Faith, to expect it, but we do not have to accept it. We are to pray for our enemies, but we are not to be prey for our enemies.
When my Friend CZ posted this week how someone left her a devaluing comment and was also attacked this week -- well in a weird way it is kinda nice to know that I'm in Very Good Company! If it can happen to her, a Vet Blogger who is very talented w/writing then it can happen to us Toddler Bloggers too. I know I don't need to tell Healthy People this (well sometimes even us Healthy People need to be reminded), but for those who are not in the know, Writting, especially blogging for one's own Personal Blog, is first and foremost for the Self. It is Self-Expression. It is our Freedom as Bloggers to express what is happening along our own Journey.
Our Journey can be shared w/others, but it does not belong to others, it belongs to each one of us. Some walk the same path as we do, but not everyone will have the exact same perception as we do, because their view is slightly different from where they stand and how they move in this world. We were all created with our own unique walk. No two people have the exact same walk in life. It is okay to be different. God loves diversity. Our own Journey can be familiar at times and different at other moments in time. No two people experience the same exact situation the same exact way, we all have our own perception & perspective of reality.
And Ns and Ps well that is an entire different World View, their Underworld vs our Human World.
When we share our Life experiences with others we have certain perceptions, perspectives, viewpoints, feelings, and thoughts. Some People will relate and a few will hate. Those that hate need to get a HEALTHY Life and stop being a Disordered (well that's too much to ask for) or a Damaged Person and stop being envious of the Life we have and they don't. If they took a second to step out of the KoN they created for themselves they would realize we are not blogging to entertain them. We don't need nor want their Toxic Stamp of Approval about our Life or how we express it. Our Life is not a performance or an act like theirs and it is not subject to be evaluated through their pathological lenses. They have No Right to throw rotten tomatoes. Stupid Ns!
People who know me or at least have an accurate sense for who I am know that I don't mind someone RESPECTFULLY disagreeing with me -- in fact, I welcome it! I enjoy considering another's different perspective on Life and even on my Personal Life, because as a Blogger & Forum Member I put a large part of it out there. Respect, like Love, must be recipocated. I do not waste my time on Ns or Ps who are encapable of recipocating basic manners & humanity.
To the Haters who respond w/Flaming Fires of Hell, well all I can say is that I know your type, because I was raised by your type (using type was interesting unintended play on words). CZ & many of us have also N-countered your type. We are use to your Hell Fire and we are pretty much Fire Proof. We have lived, endured, and survived far worst than what you can project at us. We have learned to Rise Up from the Ashes more than once and your hateful & hate-filled words mean nothing, so they can do nothing to us. Those ugly words are filled w/evil intent, Lack Validity & Worth, thus have No Staying Power, so here is some Glue of Truth for your Projected Lies & Hideous, Repulsive, Pathological Persona -- and Yuck Off!
Praise God for those Authentic, Healthy and Kind People who read our Blogs, understand who we are and relate and/or respect what we are saying whether or not they agree with what we have to say or how we say it. We are NOT Performers, we are Authentic People living Authentic Lives, so if our Life does not meet the criteria of the Haters twisted perspectives, then that is fine with us.
Again, your comments do not have to be written in agreement, but they do need to be written w/Respect which means no Flaming Fires from Hell. I am repulsed by pathlogical agendas & intentions, so Ns & Ps who have the desire to do evil and are on my Blog getting ready to send hideous & hateful comments. . . Yuck Off!
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